De vergeten Appel ‘t Schoapke 2016

Before establishing De vergeten Appel Johan, who is the cider maker and owner of the cidery, has lived in Australia. I wonder if this is where and when he was bitten by the cider bug. Next cider from De vergeten Appel’s line-up is  ‘t Schoapke, which was made from apples coming from orchards in Susteren and Schijndel.Company: De Vergeten Appel
Place of Origin: Tilburg, North Brabant, Netherlands
Apples: made from apples coming from Susteren and Schijndel.
ABV: 6%
Package type: 375ml green champagne bottle with crown cork
Recommended type of glass: flute or wine glass

Appearance: pours a cloudy pale straw with green hues and a huge white fizzy head that very slowly dissipates. High carbonation and likely natural. Body is low. Sediment in the bottle.

Aroma/Nose: the aroma is very refreshing and slightly vinous with notes of green and yellow apples, some oak and lemon.

Taste: my first sip is dry, but not bone dry, moderately acidic and tart with notes of lemon. However, the level of acidity seems to increase with time. On the mid-palate yellow apples, some oak and white wine notes. The aftertaste is dry with a lemon touch and green notes. No tannins detectable.

Overall: after a really inviting and refreshing nose you’d wish to find the same intensity also in the palate. But in ‘t Schoapke all flavours seem to be present only in the first sip. They don’t really linger on. I must say that ‘t Schoapke lacks depth and certain structure. It’s drinkable, refreshing and I can’t say that I didn’t enjoy drinking it. But Johan has  already created better ciders than this one. 3.5/6

Availability: locally in Rotterdam at Fenix Food Factory, in Amsterdam from Apples en Perren . Online in the Netherlands from Sans Blah Blah.

Price: ‘t Schoapke was kindly provided to me by Johan from De vergeten Appel for testing.