Megalithes La Flibuste

Guillaume Buisson is an entrepreneur from Brittany, who as a kid loved visiting his neighbours in Vannes as they would always open a bottle of delicious cidre for him. You know what they say, forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest. Having this sweet memory in mind, Guillaume introduced in 2016 his own cider brand, La Flibuste made from locally grown cider apple varieties. La Flibuste is a French term for freebooter or privateer, who operated in ports of Brittany and were involved in piracy-related activities such as forcing English or Spanish ships to pay tribute for passing up the Channel, stealing cargo or other valuables, but never attacking French ships. That’s why the French authorities didn’t combat them letting them live their La Flibuste-lifestyle. Company: Megalithes
Place of Origin: Saint Briac sur Mer, Brittany, France
Apples: a blend of Douce Coetligné, Douce Moen, Kermerrien, Marie Menard, Chevalier Jaune, Peau de Chien, Guillevic and Rouget de Dol
ABV: 4.5%
Package type: 330ml clear glass bottle with crown cork
Recommended type of glass: flute, chalice glass, wine glass or straight from the bottle

Appearance: pours a clear pale amber with light orange hues and white short-lived head. Medium carbonation. Body is low.

Aroma/Nose: the nose is tannic and lightly acidic with notes of red apples, overripe apples, dried fruits such as apricots, raisins and figs. Also, hints of beeswax, funk and vanilla. Smells like proper cidre.

Taste: it starts moderately sweet with low acidity. Then the taste moves to notes of oak, lightly burnt strawberry jam-like bitterness, dried fruits including apricots and figs, red apples, light smokiness and medium astringent taste. It finishes dry with a lingering jam-like bitterness, red apples and astringent taste.

Overall: La Flibuste is a true pirate that stole my heart. Brittany is known for its great cidre but I didn’t expect La Flibuste to taste as divine and sophisticated. It has a riot of flavours, which are very nicely balanced. I found the smooth strawberry burnt jam-like bitterness absolutely amazing. I know that it is difficult to imagine a bitter taste as a turn on, but it’s like someone would be waving a magic wand while you’re drinking it. It’s not disturbing at all, quite on the contrary, it gives a very nice twist. However, due to a quite low acidity, it’s better to drink La Flibuste in small quantities just like suggested 330ml and properly chilled. Otherwise, it may get too tiring if you like your cider on the drier side. But overall, a very high-quality and brilliant tipple. Highly recommended.  5/6 

Availability: currently locally in Brittany and Normandy in France. Online from Calyce Cider – they ship to Germany, Belgium, Spain, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Italy and Portugal!

Price: Gullaime contacted me and asked if I wanted to try La Filibuste.

Note: Megalithes also have a non-alcoholic version on offer of La Filibuste so you don’t have to feel excluded if you’re driving. I think it’s a great idea. Only the non-alcoholic version tastes ultra-sweet with no acidity to balance it so it’s rather an option for those having a sweet tooth.