Garden Cider Elderflower

If you have spare garden apples or other fruits and you don’t know what else to do with them (and you live in the UK), reach out to Ben and Will Filby from The Garden Cider Company. Since 2010 they have been making cider from the fruit, which otherwise would go to waste. I like the idea!Company: The Garden Cider Company
Place of Origin: Chiddingfold, Surrey, UK
Ingredients: various apple varieties with elderflower extract
ABV: 4%
Package type: 500ml clear glass bottle with crown cap
Recommended type of glass: pint glass or snifter, white wine glass.

Appearance: pours a clear pale golden with no head. This cider is supposed to be still, but I would rather describe it as slightly sparkling. The body is syrupy.

Aroma/Nose: The nose is syrupy-sweet and floral with notes of rose, elderflower, barnyard and some green aromas.

Taste: My first taste is extremely sweet with no acidity to break the sweetness. The mid-palate tastes syrupy with a light smoky ham note and flavours of green apple flesh, elderflower and rose. The aftertaste is sweet and slightly astringent with no bitter taste.

Overall: In my opinion, this cider tastes average as it doesn’t have too much depth. Moreover, it’s far too sweet for my liking and has no acidity that could break the sweetness. This cider is for those of you, who have a sweet tooth. It would pair well with desserts made with sour fruits such as berries or oranges. Otherwise, you’ll not gonna like it as it’s just too sweet. 2.5/6 

Availability: through their online store.

Price: came with my Orchard Box cider subscription.